Notice: In order to work on Canadian ships, seafarers must be legally allowed to work in Canada (through citizenship, permanent residency or a visa allowing work), and hold either Transport Canada-issued Certificates of Competency, or Transport Canada-endorsed Certificates from the following countries: Ukraine, France, Norway, Australia, Georgia

For information about requesting an endorsement of a foreign certificate, please visit the Transport Canada website.

For information on visas and immigration to Canada, please visit the Come to Canada information site.

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NEAS inc.
NEAS ouvre la voie de l'avenir du transport maritime à travers l'Arctique de l'Est et de l'Ouest canadien grâce à des navires modernes, des services de manutention améliorés, des horaires flexibles, une meilleure planification de projets et des employés professionnels hautement qualifiés.

NEAS is charting the future of marine transportation across Canada’s Eastern and Western Arctic, with modern vessels, enhanced cargo services, better project planning, flexible sailing schedules, and a team of highly skilled and professional employees...

Engineer Officer - 3rd Class NEAS
Posted date [2024-Sep-01] (ID: 3472)
Engineer Officer - 3rd Class


Candidate should have valid:

ENG Officer (3th Class)

Transport Canada Medical Exams


(Survival craft) Aptitude à l'exploitation des bateaux de sauvetage et des canots de secours

(Advanced Firefighting) Techniques avancées de lutte contre l'incendie 

(Advanced first Aid) Secourisme Avancé

Job Title Engineer Officer - 3rd Class NEAS
Job Details
Start Date
Location QUEBEC
Deadline for Application
Contact Phone #
Contact Email creyes(at)
Categories and Description
Ship's Main Trading Area Ship's Main Trading Area -> Eastern Arctic
Term Term -> Seasonal
Position / Rank Position -> Engineer (Other)