Notice: In order to work on Canadian ships, seafarers must be legally allowed to work in Canada (through citizenship, permanent residency or a visa allowing work), and hold either Transport Canada-issued Certificates of Competency, or Transport Canada-endorsed Certificates from the following countries: Ukraine, France, Norway, Australia, Georgia

For information about requesting an endorsement of a foreign certificate, please visit the Transport Canada website.

For information on visas and immigration to Canada, please visit the Come to Canada information site.

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Jobs -> Canadian Coast Guard

Business Name Canadian Coast Guard
Your Business Type Government
Logo / Photo
Contact Details
Contact Name Youssef Zine
Position (Crewing Manager / Superintendent / etc)
Website URL
Email DFO.CCGRecruitment-RecrutementGCC.MPO(at)dfo-mpo
Telephone 343-999-2473
Cell phone
Office Address
Street Address
City / Town Ottawa
Postal Code
Country Canada
Company Description The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) owns and operates the federal government’s civilian fleet, and provides key maritime services to Canadians such as: marine search and rescue, marine pollution response, marine communications and traffic management services, icebreaking and ice-management services, aids to navigation, channel maintenance and support of other government departments, boards and agencies by providing ships, aircraft and other services.

As a Special Operating Agency of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the CCG helps DFO meet its responsibility to ensure safe and accessible waterways for Canadians.
La Garde côtière canadienne (GCC) possède et exploite la flotte civile du gouvernement fédéral et fournit aux Canadiens des services maritimes essentiels, notamment les suivants: recherche et sauvetage en mer, intervention en cas de pollution marine, services de communications et de gestion du trafic maritimes, services de déglaçage et de gestion des glaces, aides à la navigation, à l'entretien des canaux et au soutien d'autres ministères, conseils et agences du gouvernement en fournissant des navires, des aéronefs et d'autres services.

En tant qu'organisme service spécial de Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO), la GCC aide le MPO à s'acquitter de sa responsabilité d'assurer des voies navigables sécuritaires et accessibles aux Canadiens.

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